I'll be on tour with The Black Dahlia Murder in Europe and then Summer Slaughter from June 3rd - July 29th.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

t-minus 8 days and counting...

So Valentine's Day is next week and this is about the time when everyone who is still alone usually starts panicking trying to find someone to spend the special day with. If you're someone that buys into all that stuff, good luck. I can't say I'm really looking forward to it, BUT I could not be more excited for how crazy craigslist personals are gonna be across the country on February 14th. Normally there's some pretty hilarious shit on there but I'd be willing to put money on V-Day really bringing the freaks out. Internet weirdos, don't let me down.

In other V-Day related news does anyone else think Peter, Bjorn And John's "Young Folks" is gonna be the Valentines Mix Tape song of '07? I can only imagine how many dorks in sweaters are gonna be dubbing that song for their girl/girl-to-be and really trying to step up their "air of mystery" with that, "if I told you things I did before, told you how I used to be, would you go along with someone like me" line. Don't get me wrong, I like the song, but I still hate dudes who wear scarves. I would post the video, but it really bothers me.

Also how man happy couples are gonna be listening to that Lily Allen chick? I don't get it, but apparently I'm the only one. If you can explain this to me, please go ahead. I'm gonna go drink more Orange Gatorade and try not to puke up this Chinese food I ate earlier.

PS: I know I said I wasn't gonna post it, but here's that video anyway:

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