Ok tonight I randomly came across a little known He-Man villain named Stinkor. Of course I was intrigued and had to look into him. Basically Stinkor is a humanoid skunk who's power is that he smells so bad it can not only "repel" you, but also "destroy" you with it.
This dude's power is so bogus he didn't even get used in the original series. We're talking so lame that a series that even found a place for Snout Spout the robotic, elephant, fire fighter (who was put into multiple episodes of spin-off series She-Ra) had no room for him. But of course they made a toy of him anyway. It was the 80's and cartoon action figures were hot, so I can't blame them for trying to make money from nothing. The action figure for this dude was probably made before he was even pitched to the show... or rejected from the show? Eventually when they remade He-Man a few years ago Stinkor finally found his place. Face it though, being shelved for 17 years and then finally put into the equivalent of The Fog remake isn't really making it.
Now that you know Stinkor's background, here's where the one time this dude will ever be useful comes in. During my quest for info on the second worst character of all time (for me at least, Snout Spout is far lamer) I ran across this quote about how his figure's unique scent was given to him:
"The manufacturers of the original Stinkor toy mixed the plastic used in the mold with patchouli oil to achieve its unique scent. It was done this way, instead of being sprayed or coated, to prevent the smell from wearing off over time. Many toy collectors mention that, even 20 years after its original purchase, the Stinkor toy still retains its smell." - Wikipedia
There you have it. This stuff smells so bad that it was thought the best solution for getting across the odor of a "human skunk". If you wear this or light this stuff around me from now on I will not only bring up my new friend Stinkor, but pummel you in the same way He-Man would have if he had ever gotten a chance to lay his hands on him in his prime.
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