I'll be on tour with The Black Dahlia Murder in Europe and then Summer Slaughter from June 3rd - July 29th.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
here's something you won't see on Hypebeast
If you're in the Baltimore area, Celebrated Summer Records(run by Deep Sleep/Never Enough's Tony Pence) is releasing this limited edition cereal box package. It comes with the shirt, 3 pins and a "mystery surprise" all packaged in a Thrash Cat cereal box. The packages are $25 each and limited to 50. Check their site for more info.
Apparently Terror is the first band to have New Era fitted hats. Prediction: dudes with diamond plugs and mesh shorts will soon be spending exorbitant amounts of money for these on eBay. They come in two colorways and I'm sure they'll sell out faster than the GB tour 7". I'm not the type of dude to wear flat brimmed hats, but I have to admit these do look pretty good. Check Martin's blog for more info on them. Dudes are on tour right now so go check them out when they come through your town, if they haven't already.
There's going to be a second memorial show for Asian Dave on February 17th at Coolspring Township Hall in Michigan City, IN. For more info click the flyer. If you're in the northwest Indiana or the Chicago area you have no excuse for not going. Go support a good cause, all the money from the show is going to Dave's family to help pay funeral costs. Even if you didn't know Dave just go and watch the bands then. The dorks from Above This Fire are coming all the way out from Cleveland for this show. They're nominated for "best hardcore band in Cleveland" right now, which is just silly because everyone knows Ringworm is the best band in Cleveland. And The Killer is playing. No one wants to miss that. Seeing The Killer on a regular basis is probably the highlight of living in Chicago. If you've never heard this band do yourself a favor and watch this video of them playing "Pills" from the first Asian Dave benefit show or download the song here. Punishing.
It looks like Blacklisted's new 7" ('Peace On Earth, War On Stage') is about as hyped as the iPhone right now. There's not even MP3's or a set release date for it yet and dudes are talking about it being record of the year already. Not bad for a band that was gonna break up 6 months ago.
Frankly, I just want The Nightmare to put out some new songs because "Riverbottom Nightmare Band" is my jam.
"we don't wish to learn, but we hate what we don't understaaaannnnnddddd"
If you don't know, educate yourself. Someone seriously hook me up with an MP3 of this song.
Check back soon for interviews with two of my favorite bass player/tattoo artists, Bill Smiles and Myles Karr. I'm out!
"worlds caving in around you. thought you had it easy until we found you. what can you say it's in your face. you're the one who did the crime. you'll be the one to pay."
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