I figure before I get to far into this I should introduce myself for anyone who doesn't already know me who happens to come across this. Writing about myself always seems kind of weird to me, but I guess I should get used to it, right? Here it goes:
I'm this 23 year old, vegan, straight edge, dork from Florida. I've spent the past few years of my life touring with bands (Black Dahlia Murder, The Haunted, Lacuna Coil, Martyr AD, ect) the majority of the year and I guess being the only sober one, for the most part, through who knows how many cities, states, providences, countries and continents (well 2 anyway) I figured maybe I have some insight on life. Probably not, though.
I guess I must be doing something right because people keep putting me in charge of things. Chowdah Luv says the only time he got worried was when he woke up on the side of the road and heard me outside saying, "I've never even heard of that happening before." This was in response to Brian waking me up because the van had been shaking and when I went and looked at the trailer one of the wheels was covered in black boiling grease and smoking. That entire hub on the axle melted off about 15 minutes later and we learned that's what happens if there's no grease on the bearings. Fancy that.
This blog was initially just an excuse to finally do something with this dumb website name I registered last year (yeah, I intentionally picked the douchiest sounding thing I could think of). It's not really supposed to be about anything. I did this zine called Dude: The Zine that was along the same lines. After I did the first issue I got really busy touring and never did a second one so I guess you can consider this issue 2 through whatever. Scuba has taken to calling it Dude: The Blog, even though I do not approve of that name.
Unhealthy amounts of orange flavored drinks, my iPod and text messaging are pretty much the only things that get me through the day. Real cool.
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