Everyone has been talking like this was the best thing to happen to comics in the past 10 years. I was skeptical because I still think Marvel is fairly whack. I checked out all 7 issues in the mini-series today and it totally didn't live up to the hype. It's just like a bad version of what would have led up to the Watchmen. Basically if you haven't heard by now. Superheroes all have to register with the US government. Some go for it, some don't, chaos ensues. Captain America leading the revolution defiantly threw me for a loop, but it was still fairly uninteresting and all the Marvel heroes were as boring as expected. This is totally the the time when Marvel's few interesting characters like Wolverine or Deadpool would have worked, but they stick with such lame characters like Ant-Man and Hercules (and even Wonder Man?!). The only thing that really kept my interest at all during this was The Punisher's sweet and brief involvement. Please DC just trade Marvel Superman for The Punisher and make it so I have no reason to ever again consider reading a Marvel comic. Which leads me to my next item on the list...
The movie not the comic. And not the new one with John Travolta, the sweet one from the 80's with Dolph Lundgren. We went to the flea market and I picked a copy up on DVD for $5. Total steal. I forgot how much I used to love this movie as a kid. Probably the first action movie I really got into and watched repeatedly. Sure it's cheesy, but Dolph is at least believable as The Punisher even with the worst fake five o'clock shadow of all time. I think this movie also wins for the most usages of a boot knife in history. It makes it seem like people are getting killed with these things in a regular basis in real life. Which I have to admit would make real life a little more interesting. The only problem I have with this movie is the fact that he never actually sports the skull shirt, but I would rather have no skull shirt than the dumb version in the new movie. Punisher 2: More Louis Gossett Jr. and less apartment full of dorks. It's all I ask, such a simple request.
If you feel like some comic related entertainment in the next few days I recommend going with the classic Punisher movie over Marvel's lame Civil War series. Same quality storyline, less of a headache from having to see She Hulk (or even worse Hulkling) in more than one scene.