So far the only stop has been for lunch and after today's trip to Iron Skillet all I can do is refer to XheadwalkX's "Deathtaste" (consider that link to the XheadwalkX site the site of the day). Amazing how an unrecorded song by a fake German edge band can be relevant to my daily life.
you say I need to try it, no I wont
you say its dinner, fuck you, I don't
raw meat cooking is death on a grill
you do it to animals, to defend them, I kill
BK-my way-no way
McMurder-I no listen to what you say
we have revolution on firestorm day
my pipe bomb blows fast food away
to me Karl Earth Crisis is vegan edge martyr
he help teach world eating animals is retarded
meat is deathtaste and it I wont eat
if you try to force me, you I will beat
BK-my way-no way
McMurder-I no listen to what you say
we have revolution on firestorm day
my pipe bomb blows fast food away
So far I've spent this drive sleeping and ripping songs from Gus. Dude has some great tunes between all the Donna Summers and ABC songs. He turned me onto Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry and I suggest everyone else who has an unhealthy obsession with depressing rock music to check out their record 'Blow'.
I can honestly say I have no complaints about last night. My friend Carolyn drove out to the show and got there during the last song. So post-show parking lot hang was on. Behind the trailer is usually pretty safe, but having a couple girls that look like they're ready to hit the club hanging with you still attracts the lurk. Some random dude came up and let loose the failed pickup line of the night: "Damn girl, all lookin' like that how can you expect me not to try talkin' to you?"

Little known fact is the drummer of Stone Sour was in Nausea and Shelter. Him and Paul from Shadows Fall are both old core dudes and were trying to school me on the 80's punk scene and seeing GB and DYS at CB's until Gus came by and reminded them he's still older than both of them and saw even more real deal bands in England 5 years earlier. I suppose if Gaza (Stone Sour's TM) had come by he would have put them all to shame with some stories about when he toured with the Sex Pistols. I guess that only proves that somehow this tour is punker than any hardcore tour I ever did. Haters be damned, manrockers is punks.
When I woke up this morning I had a text from Canada's Whittron posing the question of who would win in a deathmatch between Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince and Carl Winslow from Family Matters. The world may never know. My money is on Carl because even if Phil is bigger and has all that practice of throwing Jazz out the front door, he's still from the street. Move over xTyrantx I think Carl Winslow might be the new "Street Nigga".
And on that possibly mildly racist note I'm out. There's a special on fat pets on TV and I'm hoping I see some good fat cats I can tell Phil about once Kylesa meets up with us on tour. Little known fact number 2: Phil from Kylesa has a secret obsession with fat cats and may or may not have told us he fantasised about rolling around in the ground in a "fat cat suit". Classic.
PS: Little known fact 3: I might look kinda like Buckwheat from the Little Rascals when girls try to kiss me. Proof?...

edit: We just got into Vegas just as we finished watching Lucky Number Slevin. Talk about timing. And the movie wasn't bad either. Just wanted to take a second and plug something. If you saw the shirt in my pics from yesterday, and are at all interested for some reason, check out HorseBites Design. Here is the shirt if you don't know what I'm talking about:
Dude is from Florida and does awesome graphic work. Support original artists. He is also in a great band called New Mexican Disaster Squad that you should also check out. If you want to order the shirt itself you can get it from ShirtKiller. They have a bunch of other sweet items for you to get into. That is all.
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