492 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, NY
between Union and Rodney
L to Lorimer, G to Metropolitan
He can also be reached at...
Pulling Teeth and Ruiner, Baltimore is hot in '07. Pre-orders are up for the new Pulling Teeth & Frightener split 7" on A389 Records. There's also a pre-order for the gatefold 10" re-issue of Pulling Teeth's 'Viscous Skin'. If you haven't heard Pulling Teeth yet get on it because they are (without exaggerating) one of the best hardcore bands going right now. They'll be on tour for the next couple months in North America and the UK, so get with it.
492 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, NY
between Union and Rodney
L to Lorimer, G to Metropolitan
He can also be reached at...
Other than that I still leave for tour in the morning and still want to beat the shit out of my neighbor's kid. Jah bless.
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