Today was so sweet. Our friend Neil who works at Cafe FX took us to his work. They do the computer animation on a bunch of movie like Snakes On A Plane, Pan's Labyrinth, Spiderman 3, ect. For the first time I took many pics. He showed us some clips from a new movie they're working on and it was pretty sweet. I couldn't take pics of that though.
Cafe FX had their own cafe... with air hockey and foosball and an even sweeter game you'll see a little later.

Here's some posters for movies they've worked on. Sick... Flubber.

Here's some more. I greatly enjoyed two of these movies.

Ok the sweetest thing in the cafe. A Sin City bowling alley!

Mick was actually really good and showed me and Cristina up.

Pins prepare to be destroyed...

...or not. Gutter ball man.

This spaceship was in that movie Armageddon. Andrea asked if they had a special shrinking machine that made it so the actors that would fit in. He was possibly not joking.

I never saw Battlefield Earth, but Neil said this dude was in it. Cristina mistook him for her boyfriend Jim, Scientologists mistook him for god.

Monsters rule. This one was in Hellboy. Later I tried to fight him.

They had a bunch of awards, I was far more interested in what was below them.

Neil is now officially the coolest guy I know since he worked on Pan's Labyrinth. If you haven't seen it yet that shit is on DVD now.

Also this was from yesterday. Kim took me by the Klasky-Csupo building. You know the company that made Rugrats.

There was a sweet Ahhh Real Monsters mural on the side of their building.

I wish I went to sweet places like this more often. I also wish I had my own bowling alley.